Marui Power Spring for Fixed AEG& AEG Compact Machine Guns

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*This product is a custom part designed for use with amusement guns intended for ages 18 and older. Please do not use it for any purpose other than its original purpose. *Although every effort has been made to ensure the quality of the product, please make sure there is no damage before use. Do not use the product if it is defective. We are not responsible for damage or accidents caused by incorrect use, so please handle with care. Please keep out of reach of small children when storing. *The product may deform, discolor, or deteriorate if left in direct sunlight, in a car under the blazing sun, or in a hot and humid place for a long period of time. *If the product is subjected to strong impact, it may be deformed or damaged. The product may discolor due to usage conditions or deterioration over time. *Specifications are subject to change slightly from lot to lot without notice.
電動ハンドガンのフルオートサイクルの低下を抑えつつ強化したバランスの良いカスタムスプリングです。 無電解テフロンニッケルメッキによって摩擦抵抗も軽減しています。
東京マルイ 電動フィクスドG18C/M93R/USP/M9A1/Hi-CAPA E
電動サブマシンガンMP7A1/スコーピオン モッドM/SCORPION Vz.61/Mac10
!WARNING!・カスタムした後は必ずジュール値・弾速チェックを行って下さい。銃刀法改正により規制値 0.989ジュール を超えた場合、処罰の対象となります!。また測定値は季節や時間帯、HOP調整具合、銃の特性等により値のバラツキが必ずあります!ある程度の余裕を持ったジュール値でエアガンをご使用下さい!!
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