This is a new generation paint with ceramic as its main ingredient, developed in the United States and widely used for actual guns, military guns, etc. It is compatible with all metals, polymer resins and other materials and boasts a hardness of 7H to 9H. It is a functional paint with excellent resistance to abrasion, impact, salt damage, corrosion, tolerant agents, chemicals, and weathering, and enables smooth operation of moving parts by allowing oil to penetrate the microscopic pores on the surface of the paint film. The coating film is sandblasted for the base treatment before application, so it has strong adhesion to metals such as iron, aluminum, and zinc alloys. The paint film is thinner and stronger than general paints, so it does not damage the details of engravings and shallow molds. For those who are looking for a real gun-like quality, in the case of metal bases (aluminum frames, hand guards, etc.), it is possible to polish the edges with steel wool, etc. to create an aged finish that looks like it has been used for a long time, since the paint film will fade away due to abrasion rather than peeling.
Example of construction (Cerakote)

Cerakote separate coating
The accent is created by the color turnaround by the masking process.

Cerakote inner color coating
“Inner color” is a custom finish that has become popular in recent years, in which only the inside or part of the body is a different color. It is recommended for those who want to change the color but do not want to make it flashy.

Aged finish
Painted finish with polished edges and stained paint to make it look as if time has passed.
Example of Construction (Special Coating)
We also offer special coating other than Cerakote.

Crack painting
Crack painting is a technique where a cracking coat (middle coat) is applied over an undercoat (base coat) to create a cracked pattern. Unlike hand-drawn designs, it is not possible to intentionally create specific crack patterns, but it results in a unique, one-of-a-kind design. On surfaces with many irregularities, as shown in the image, the cracks tend to follow the edges, but it is possible to blend them out with gradient painting where necessary.
※The surface color of the cracked areas is only available in black.
※Each crack (fracture) pattern will vary.

Lap Coating
This is a painting technique in which plastic wrap is pressed on top of the undried paint to create a unique pattern. A dark color such as black is painted on the base color, and then candy color is painted on top of it, and the wrap is applied to create the pattern. The finish is a glossy urethane clear.

Color shift coating
This coating uses polarizing pigments to change color from purple to yellow, emerald to blue, etc., depending on the angle of view and the way the light hits the surface. The colors seen from the front and from the side are different, and the color shift is continuous.

AIRSOFT97 沖縄本店
〒901-2202 沖縄県宜野湾市普天間1-34-1 1F
AIRSOFT97 アキバ店
〒110-0005 東京都台東区上野3丁目19-4 サカイビル 3F

〒101-0021 東京都千代田区外神田6丁目14-2 サカイ末広ビル B1

41PX 町田
〒194-0013 東京都町田市原町田6丁目6-14 町田ジョルナ B2F

41PX 高知
〒780-0072 高知県高知市杉井流21-13 マノワール杉井流1F

〒224-0003 神奈川県横浜市都筑区中川中央2丁目7-1 港北みなも3F

トイガンショップ LIBERATOR
〒542-0075 大阪府大阪市中央区中央区難波千日前8-12 ショッププランナー国際ビル7F

エアソフト&シューティングレンジ フォートレス
〒463-0092 愛知県名古屋市守山区白沢町11

SFBC 難波店
〒556-0011 大阪府大阪市浪速区難波中1丁目13−5 2F

SFBC 日本橋店
〒556-0005 大阪府大阪市浪速区日本橋5丁目10−5

SFBC アウトレット
〒556-0005 大阪府大阪市浪速区日本橋5丁目11−7 第1片倉ビル 6階