Hi-CAPA5.1 High Grade Custom
Hi-CAPA "Blitz Storm"
The High-Speed Sniping Custom reduces recoil shock and achieves overwhelming rapid-fire performance with a short stroke. Equipped with a skeleton custom grip for both operability and visual appeal, the slide stop, magazine catch, trigger, and safety are also customized. The ultimate Hi-Capa custom “Blitz Storm” is now complete.
custom recipe
Hi-CAPA High Grade Custom “Blitz Storm
Hi-Capa 5.1 High Speed Sniping System[NINEBALL]
Sale price¥15,180
TM GBB Hi-CAPA5.1/4.3 Custom Slide Stop
Sale price¥4,180
Hi Capa 5.1 "2 Way Fixed" Non-Recoiling Outer Barrel
Sale price¥9,350
HI CAPA SERIES - Custom Magazine Catch
Sale price¥4,180
Hi Capa Skeleton Grip R
Sale price¥5,280
Nine Ball Hi-CAPA 5.1/4.3 Custom Hexa Hammer
Sale price¥5,280
【WEB限定】ハイキャパ5.1 ハイスピードスナイピングシステム専用インナーパーツアッセンブリー [NINEBALL/ナインボール]
Sale price¥4,180
【WEB限定】ハイキャパ5.1 ハイスピードスナイピングシステム専用スライドアッセンブリー [NINEBALL/ナインボール]
Sale price¥5,280
TM Hi-CAPA/Government Series Custom Trigger HEAT GRADATION
Sale price¥4,180
Tokyo Marui GBB Hi-CAPA5.1・M1911A1: Straight Trigger
Sale price¥4,180
Sale price¥4,180